Jennifer Chung

Jennifer Chung

Jennifer Chung Pic
Forever Beaumore

Jennifer Chung represents the second generation of leadership at Forever Beaumore, a 17 year old family-founded enterprise, and is also the founder of Embody, a revolutionary ingestible skincare company. Embody’s mission is to promote a holistic and healthy approach to skincare by bridging the gap between topical applications and internal nourishment. Both Forever Beaumore and Embody stand as testaments to Jennifer’s commitment to empowering women in their skincare journey, helping them to embrace and celebrate their skin.

Jennifer’s introduction to community involvement was catalyzed by her recognition as Miss Asian America in 2014. Through this esteemed platform, she has actively inspired and advocated for young Asian women in business. Running since 1985, the pageant not only showcases remarkable Asian women but also challenges traditional beauty norms and broadens Asian representation. Deepening her commitment to community upliftment, Jennifer assumed the role of Board Director for the Asian America Foundation in 2023. This dedicated 501(c)(3) nonprofit goes beyond its celebrated pageant to champion diversity, propel leadership, and foster a more inclusive and empowered community.